Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Blog Post #4

Image result for pumpkin treats
Halloween Business Fun

First: Look for two Businesses that are having Halloween promotions.
    • For each business describe the promotion is in 2 or more sentences.
Second: Go to two student blogs and read their Halloween Post. 

Third: Make a New Post and write:
  1.  Company Name - Student Name

General Electric: Amy Andrews
Ford: Andrew Andrews

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Drink Project

Complete the handouts necessary for planning your Sports Drink

1. Marketing Mix
2. Create your Poster
3. Make your bottle label
4. Mix your drink

DUE: Completed Projects - Tuesday, October 29th!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

**** Finish Blog Post #3 ***

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!

To finish your assignment to Blog Post #3, you must do the following:

1. Choose one of your outreach programs to share and add it to he Slides Presentation link below.
On the Slide you need to:
First add a slide to the bottom of the slides you see. 
Stay out of all other slides, upon strict punishment!
  1. put your name in the bottom right.
  2. Title the slide the name of the Outreach
  3. Subtitle the slide your Sports Team
  4. Brief description of the program, event or charity
  5. Image or images of the charity or event
  6. Video showcasing the organization.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Post #3

Find two areas of social outreach and write about them. 

1. Research a Local Team and write about two projects that benefit the community. Use the team's main website.
2. Define who each outreach is targeted to.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Blog Post #2 - Chapter 2

1. Write a sentence for each of the following words. Each sentence needs to use the word in a way that describes the meaning not just a repeat of the meaning.
2. Then: Find an example (current issue or business news) and use it as an example in another 1-2 sentences. Include your references at the end.
This is a blog post!
And ..... 30 Points!

  1. Customers
  2. Consumers
  3. Market
  4. Demographics
  5. Disposable Income
  6. Discretionary Income
  7. Psychographics
Here is a great example:
I recently was in a Barnes and Noble store and was browsing the magazines. I noticed how many different types of magazines, there were close to 50 different choices.
The use of psychographics is in display with so many different magazine choices like Knitting, Car and Driver, Tennis World, etc.