Wednesday, December 11, 2019

International Business

Image result for international business
1. Find a current event related to International Business.
2. Read the article
3. Write two paragraphs about the news item you found
  • Paragraph 1:
    • summary of article
    • include details and facts
  • Paragraph 2: choose any or all of the following to write about.
    • how it relates to marketing
    • significance of the event being written about as it relates to international business, cultural or political implications
    • personal interest 
4. Include a relevant image
  • copyright free (shown in class)
  • citation as a hyperlink 
5. Include your link (hyperlink)

Grading: 10 Points
5 points for each complete paragraph that includes details, facts, explanation
-2 points for no hyperlink
-5 no link
-2 no image 
-5 image not cited or copyright protected

Monday, December 2, 2019

Careers In Marketing

Chapter 5 Conclusion 
Read Page 95 in your Textbook.

Blog Post Assignment:
1. After Reading about Travel and Tourism Marketing I want you to find a job in this industry.
2. Do a Google search for a job or an industry or even a specific company.
2. After finding the job and reading about it answer the following questions in your blog.

  1. Each response needs to be thorough and in complete sentences. 
  2. Label each question with a heading or a number.
Top 10 Travel and Tourism Jobs

  • What does the job entail?
  • What training is recommended?
  • What skills are most important?
  • How does the workload vary?
  • What is a key to success?
  • Are you interested in this job?
Image result for travel and tourism

Monday, November 25, 2019

Thanksgiving Season Blog Post

This is a blog Post!

Please find out what is being offered by businesses as specials during this Thanksgiving Season.
Choose 3 of the Special Days below. You have six to choose from.

1. Include the link (make it a hyperlink) where you found your info.
2. Summarize what the deal or promotion is that is being offered.

Special Days:
Thursday: Thanksgiving
Friday:      Opt-Outside  #OptOut
                  Black Friday
Saturday:   Shop Local
Monday:    Cyber Monday
Tuesday:    Give Back Day

Monday, November 18, 2019

Spirit Week

You are going to help publicize the daily theme for Spirit Week which leads up to our Thanksgiving Break.

The following are the attire themes:
Wednesday 11/20 - Throwback
Thursday 11/21 - Reading Rocket Day
Monday 11/25 - Pajama Day
Tuesday 11/26 - Disney Day
Wednesday 11/27 - Class Color Day

1. Create two flyers (each different)
2. Use your own original layout and images
3. Proofread
4. Print on classroom printer
5. Place your 2 copies around the school
6. Report back with location of flyer in the school


Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Blog Post #4

Image result for pumpkin treats
Halloween Business Fun

First: Look for two Businesses that are having Halloween promotions.
    • For each business describe the promotion is in 2 or more sentences.
Second: Go to two student blogs and read their Halloween Post. 

Third: Make a New Post and write:
  1.  Company Name - Student Name

General Electric: Amy Andrews
Ford: Andrew Andrews

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Drink Project

Complete the handouts necessary for planning your Sports Drink

1. Marketing Mix
2. Create your Poster
3. Make your bottle label
4. Mix your drink

DUE: Completed Projects - Tuesday, October 29th!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

**** Finish Blog Post #3 ***

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!

To finish your assignment to Blog Post #3, you must do the following:

1. Choose one of your outreach programs to share and add it to he Slides Presentation link below.
On the Slide you need to:
First add a slide to the bottom of the slides you see. 
Stay out of all other slides, upon strict punishment!
  1. put your name in the bottom right.
  2. Title the slide the name of the Outreach
  3. Subtitle the slide your Sports Team
  4. Brief description of the program, event or charity
  5. Image or images of the charity or event
  6. Video showcasing the organization.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Post #3

Find two areas of social outreach and write about them. 

1. Research a Local Team and write about two projects that benefit the community. Use the team's main website.
2. Define who each outreach is targeted to.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Blog Post #2 - Chapter 2

1. Write a sentence for each of the following words. Each sentence needs to use the word in a way that describes the meaning not just a repeat of the meaning.
2. Then: Find an example (current issue or business news) and use it as an example in another 1-2 sentences. Include your references at the end.
This is a blog post!
And ..... 30 Points!

  1. Customers
  2. Consumers
  3. Market
  4. Demographics
  5. Disposable Income
  6. Discretionary Income
  7. Psychographics
Here is a great example:
I recently was in a Barnes and Noble store and was browsing the magazines. I noticed how many different types of magazines, there were close to 50 different choices.
The use of psychographics is in display with so many different magazine choices like Knitting, Car and Driver, Tennis World, etc.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

First Blog Post

Write about yourself! 
Tell about:(choose at least 5 of these)
Use paragraph or bullet style! Your choice!
  • family
  • year in school
  • interests
  • favorite video game #1, #2
  • clubs, activities
  • sports
  • favorite tv shows
  • book you loved or book you read for Summer read that you liked
  • future career interests
  • philosophy of life? 
  • Yes of course please add an image of yourself or something you like (as I did in this courageous photo)
me body surfing!

Monday, September 25, 2017

Blog Setup Directions

Name your Blog using your name and the name of class
Example - Mrs's Conner Marketing Blog or Heather's Business Blog 


You need a minimum of 6 Gadgets to help your Blog look amazing. 

How and Where?
Find the Gadgets in the "LAYOUT" are of Blogger. This can be found on the left side margin.

Gadgets help customize your blog with important and interesting information.

The following are the 6 required Gadgets: (remember to save each Gadget before moving on)
  1. Blog list 
  2. Link List - Label it "Frequently used Websites" or something similar
  3. Blog Stats
  4. Image - your own choice 
      1. Hint - When you find an image, save it to your computer and then upload it to the image gadget
      2. you may personalize with your interests. 
      3. Be sure your image doesn't intrude too much into your blog posts!
  5. Your choice of Gadget
  6. Your choice of Gadget