Monday, December 2, 2019

Careers In Marketing

Chapter 5 Conclusion 
Read Page 95 in your Textbook.

Blog Post Assignment:
1. After Reading about Travel and Tourism Marketing I want you to find a job in this industry.
2. Do a Google search for a job or an industry or even a specific company.
2. After finding the job and reading about it answer the following questions in your blog.

  1. Each response needs to be thorough and in complete sentences. 
  2. Label each question with a heading or a number.
Top 10 Travel and Tourism Jobs

  • What does the job entail?
  • What training is recommended?
  • What skills are most important?
  • How does the workload vary?
  • What is a key to success?
  • Are you interested in this job?
Image result for travel and tourism

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